Monday, October 31, 2011

Ode to Minnie! (and a hint of Mickey!)

Well Halloween for Tessa came and went quickly. Tess had a ball trick or treating and eating loads of candy! Just kidding;) She did do wonderfully getting dragged from one house to the next as we took lots of pictures and had our second annual dinner at Tameem and Deanna's. So without further ado, I will unleash the Mouse.

 this one kills me

and then there was mickey....
please guys... Im not into pics
what did I tell you...??
pretty much the only minnie mickey duo pic.... maybe we will try again next year?!
Happy Halloween 2011!! From Minnie Mouse

Daddy's little Pumpkin

Well we had a lovely fall/birthday weekend with a trip to the pumpkin patch with a surprise guest arrival.;).. with her camera!

Its hard to believe this little gal is 7 1/2 months old!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Suck it Cancer

Auntie Em and TBD (tannie, fanny, auntie annie pannie...;) still trying to figure out the perfect name) ran the SF nike half on Sunday.  We all went to watch... and some of us even decided to participated last minute. It looked like so much fun. Well The aunties went strong all the way till the end as I bailed at mile 5. Tessa needed me (wink)
anyways, here are some pictures to capture the family fun event.

The aunties ran in honor of our loved ones who have battled cancer. WAY TO GO!

The girl in action

the big hot pink "padi" that takes up half her face
 apparently Tessa likes to tackle her friends. sorry Vi.

 She keeps drinking all my Diet Pepsi. Darn tess
 please mom, no more pictures.

 future librarian?.... she is shelving the books according to the dewey decimal system of course.
going straight for the hair..... again, sorry Violet.

Monday, October 17, 2011

7 Months!

and oh my!
I swear Tessa in the last few days you have caused some serious increase in blood pressure levels! Im pretty sure I cant even blink without finding you in an interesting situation. Like how I went to get your bath water ready and when I came back into your room you were underneath your crib/crib skirt not to be seen!! You love to scale stools, bookshelves, tables, you name it... you have used it to get you standing up! I can only imagine what is to come in the next couple of months.

I have no clue how much you weigh Im thinking somewhere in the 14/15 pounds

You love to eat. Bananas are simply your all time faves!
You do funny things like put your "padi" in mommy and daddy's mouths.... we think its cool.
You pretty much sprint crawl now.
You love your clicking noises you make
You smack and fake chew
You blow raspberries on our shoulders when we hold you..... you think its cool

You adore peek-a-boo and romping around on the bed!
You are sooo smiley and loving.... funny how your name suites you so well.

Love you Dear Tessie. Keep smiling and loving!

Friday, October 14, 2011


When we weren't doing Ironman things... we were doing lots of beach and pool. 

 Jenny and Jimmy's super cool rental


our ritual of having in and out on our way back into lodi.