Tess you are four months old now! I can hardly believe how quickly time is passing by now that you are in our lives.... Even though I remember life before you were here..... I now cannot imagine our life with out you! You are our PURE joy. You make any bad day better, you make a sad heart happy. Your smile is contagious. We cant wait to hear your sweet laugh come out of that HUGE open mouth smile so very soon. You roll now all the time. from front to back, from back to front... you roll and roll and roll! You make us nervous now with all your moving, and now we have to keep an extra keen eye on you. You now sleep on your tummy!! It was a hard adjustment for your mama, but you are so comfy that way, and that's what matters.
you are sleeping from 7:30 or 8:00- 7:30 the next morning. we are currently working on nap time but you are doing well with your "crib" time from 9:30-11:00 and 2:00-3:30 (sometimes a quick evening nap too)
your hands are in your mouth all the time, and when your hands arent in there, you are trying to put something else in that mouth. I swear by the 5 month update you will have some teeth to show off!
Tessa is...
getting so much stronger and is pushing up on her tummy all the time onto her arms, and is getting close to sitting up on her own.
Tess is also pretty much pre crawling and inching her body forward and moving across the floor.... I have a feeling she will be crawling in the next month too.... wow future toothed child AND crawler coming soon! (crazy!)
so here are the stats...
weight 11lb. 8.6 oz (10%)
Height 24 1/2 inches (60%)
Head 15.75 cm. (20%)
We love you little peanut! Enjoy your 4th month of life:)
It's Aly's BLOG!!! Can I add you to the blog list on my page? Tessa is so cute in these new pictures. Lovin' the smile :-D