Even though I havent blogged regularly during these times, I have done my best to document what Tess has been up to and learning.... here we go.
9 weeks
Tess is making TONS of noise these days.... loud abrupt squeals and coos
she is coo-ing a lot now.... (coo's consist of vowel sounds)
listening to her explore her voice and sounds is so stinkin adorable!
her neck is getting stronger and stronger
had her first night of sleep in weeks without her swaddle.... she looked like she was about to roll over in that thing and not be able to roll back...so we nixed it.
almost 11 weeks
Tess is loving her feet! Like thinks they are the coolest!
her is some lame video of her feet finding the cool sounding plastic on her stroller. she has been at it for hours.
swaddle is completely nixed and we are loving her newly lengthened sleep time of 8:30-4:30 or 5:30 in the morning. she eats at that point and goes straight back to sleep until 7-8.
she is a smiley little peanut! she is getting good at focusing on our faces and finding the person who she hears talking and looking at them.
where are these videos you write about?