we weighed her at the Butcher Shoppe (thanks Joe!) to get her unofficial weight for her third month stats!
weight is about 11 pounds (according to babycenter.com is in the 10th percentile for weight)
height is 24 inches (around 75th percentile for height)
she is "standing" more on her feet
going to the gym for child care (mom and tess both love it:))
is sucking her fist like its a giant jawbreaker, trying hard to get to the center.
drooling!!!..... sheesh, this girl is a mess these days (teething in the near future?)
sleeping from 7:30-8:00 to about 6-6:30
she has started grabbing her toys, and swatting at the animals hanging on her play gym
she coos whole sentences.... soo funny!
she greets Joey or me each morning with a GIANT smile when we go get her from her crib... seriously melts your heart every time.
here are some more fun pictures.

and her flower chair picture....
look at her grow!