Although Friday is usually highly favored and anticipated for me, this year is a little different. Because Joey is in an administrative program at Sac. State all day Saturdays, Friday isn’t really the good weekend material it used to be. On Fridays Joey usually preps for this class, finishes his readings, and we typically don’t do much. Because of this Fridays this year are just,… well,… BLAH. Maybe, once I make some friends in the greater region of Sacramento, or when the program that takes over our weekends is over in June, Fridays may gain back their glamour.
I am including this picture of Joey from Wednesday morning.

It was school picture day and though this picture was taken at 5:30 a.m. he is still looking very camera ready! ☺

(This is me camera stalking him in the kitchen)
Joey and I went to a restaurant in Sacramento a few weeks ago called the Squeeze In. It’s name really does a good job describing the place because people wait in loooong lines, and cram up in this tiny restaurant trying to get on of TEN coveted bar stools to eat on at the counter. The Squeeze In was featured on Food Network’s Dinner, Drive-ins, and Dives which is pretty cool.

It was featured as having one of the B-E-S-T burgers, and it is seriously true. The burgers there are sooo dang good I can hardly stand it. I don’t mean to be rude to my dad (his burgs are bomb) but the burgers at the Squeeze In are seriously a whole different caliber. The steamy buns, and chewy -crunchy -cheesy ring around the burg. are sooo good!!
Here are some action shots of the burgers

Seriously Yum!
Ok friends, have a FAB labor day weekend!